• How were the Japanese war crimes tried? 2015YY09MM10DD
• The People of Taiwan's Resistance against the Japanese and the Recovery of Taiwan 2015YY09MM10DD
• Japan's Surrender and the Acceptance Ceremony in China 2015YY09MM10DD
• The CPC Launched the First Strategic Counter-Offensives in the China Theater 2015YY09MM10DD
• How did China participate in the founding of the United Nations? 2015YY09MM10DD
• How did China, the US, and Britain conduct strategic coordination during the Global War against Fascism? 2015YY09MM10DD
• How did the Japanese military carry out its system of sex enslavement in China? 2015YY09MM10DD
• What kinds of biological warfare did the Japanese Army carry out in China? 2015YY09MM10DD
• The Truth about the Nanjing Massacre 2015YY09MM10DD
• The Chinese Expeditionary Force's fight in Burma 2015YY09MM10DD
• The Hundred-Regiment Campaign 2015YY09MM10DD
• What kinds of new tactics were developed in China's guerrilla warfare against Japanese aggression? 2015YY09MM10DD
• What did people around the world do in support of China's war of resistance? 2015YY09MM10DD
• What did overseas Chinese do to assist China's war of resistance? 2015YY09MM10DD
• How did Chinese people at home get involved and support the war of resistance? 2015YY09MM10DD
• What was going on in Chinese diplomacy after the nationwide war of resistance began? 2015YY09MM10DD
• What kinds of cultural and educational activities were drawn on in China to support the resistance effort and how were they carried out? 2015YY09MM10DD
• What did the Chinese government do to develop the economy during the War of Resistance? 2015YY09MM10DD
• Victory at Tai'erzhuang in the Battle of Xuzhou 2015YY09MM10DD
• What was the first major victory the Chinese military won during the War of Resistance? 2015YY09MM10DD
• How did the KMT direct war efforts in the resistance? 2015YY09MM10DD
• How did the CPC direct war efforts in the resistance? 2015YY09MM10DD
• What marked the beginning of the Chinese nationwide resistance? 2015YY09MM10DD
• What signified that the Chinese united front against Japanese aggression was formally taking shape and how did it come about? 2015YY09MM10DD
• How was the puppet state of Manchukuo founded? 2015YY09MM10DD
• What incident marked the beginning of the War of Resistance? 2015YY09MM10DD
• Why was the China Theater the main eastern theater in the Global War against Fascism? 2015YY09MM10DD
• Why was the CPC the mainstay of Chinese united resistance? 2015YY09MM10DD
• Why is the War of Resistance a national turning point from decline to rejuvenation? 2015YY09MM10DD
• Why is the Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression said to have lasted 14 years? 2015YY09MM10DD
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